
I ran away with the circus when I was 15

It sparked a lifelong devotion to the power and beauty of movement

Pilates makes me vibrant and powerful

Circus artist since 1996, Pilates teacher since 2007, and mother since 2011, I bring all that I have to offer to each class. I offer concise explanations in an atmosphere of warmth and self-acceptance to help you move more fully, efficiently and confidently—and to enjoy the process!

I love teaching because I see the transformative power of movement in each class. It is inspiring to watch as bodies gain strength and organization, as feet feel grounded, spines become supple, and as the breath flows. I am energized by the trust and curiosity students bring. I’ve learned through my life as a mover that a commitment to our physical health builds resilience and lightens our hearts, making whatever challenges the day brings easier to navigate.

Pilates makes me vibrant and powerful, it lifts my mood and energizes my soul.  Not because I am striving to attain a distant goal or to be different than who I am, but because I am using Joseph Pilates’ exercises to attune to my body. When I am in conversation with my body, I approach everything with more clarity and confidence.

I come to each class with renewed energy because I know that “physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness,” as Mr. Pilates wrote in his first book in 1945.

I love teaching Pilates because I see the transformative power of movement in my clients in each class.


I welcome you to join me in this practice